POWERMAN Alsdorf 2025

27. April 2025

Interview with age group Powerman World Series winner Cyril Ricci

Hello Cyril,
in preview to Powerman Alsdorf in August 2021, we would like to introduce our athletes and get to know them: 

Please, introduce yourself and highlight some important moments/successes of your athletic career 

I’m Cyril Ricci, 41 years old. I’m a French duathlete and also very proud to be Powerman France ambassador for the 1st France Powerman 11/07/21 in Embrun. I did win my Age Group of Powerman World Series 2019 and also won the gold medal in European master games in Torino 2019.
2020 have been a little bit complicated with only one Powerman race in Portugal… 

My “work” as an professional athlete and sport scientist, specialized in physiological performance optimization in endurance sports.

How did you become a duathlete? 
I started out as a triathlete before. However, I really wasn't a talented swimmer. As my running and biking performance was quite decent, I decided to test competing in duathlon. And Powerman was a really fabulous experience when I discovered the Powerman World Series.

From your personal perspective, what is special about the run-bike-run format of Powerman World Series? 
Duathlon is all about effort! Due to the physiological specificities about muscular solicitations, this race mode feels it really tough. The 10-60-10 is probably even harder to because each discipline is like an all-out competition itself, having its peak in the second run: You need to perfectly know and respect your race pacing in order to optimize your run and accomplish the best result. The idea: To loose as less time as possible in comparison to run 1.

How often did you compete at Powerman Alsdorf and what is you personal highlight regarding this particular race? 
I have only raced in Alsdorf once, for my first Powerman World Series season. I do not have the best memories to my competition back then because due to special weathers conditions I dad to stop after run 1 since a recent injury came back. However, despite these unfortunate circumstances, I still have an positive impression of Powerman Alsdorf: The race organization and atmosphere was just amazing - professional and very safe for athlete and lots of spectators.
Moreover, I love the German spirit and German Christmas market. Aachen is one of the special ones and very close to Alsdorf. I visit every year. 
Racing in Alsdorf was a pleasure!

What is your „don’t-miss-race“? 
I am really excited to compete at Powerman France for the first time. It is going to be an incredible race. The landscape isjust incredible on the bike lap. And your run around the lake, too. Especially for me as a local, I am looking forward to a crazy hot and enthusiastic atmosphere in Embrum centrum; with lot of surprises - stay tuned!

How does a typical training week looks like in your preparation for a Powerman race (apr. 2 month proir to the race)? 
That's the volume of a typical training week:
4-5 times running (I combine 2-3 out of these runs to biking)

5-6 bike sessions
2 core/strenth training sessions

physio therapie 

Despite the current uncertainties of racing in 2021, do you have a competiton schedule in mind? 
Yes, race all Powerman World Series!

Last but not least: What is your best advice for athletes who want to participate in a Powerman race? 
There is so much to say ... But if I have to give only one advice: 
The race is long, so you really need to prepare your pacing efforts and be focus on your nutritional race strategy! 

Thanks for sharing your experiences and insights with us! We wish you the best for your individual and athletic goals. 

We are excited to see you racing in Alsdorf on August 15th, 2021. 

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Alice Hector
Jan Petralia
Daan de Groot
Talles Medeiros
Diego van Looy

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