Interview with Swiss National Team Cyclist, Melanie Maurer

Hello Melanie,
in preview to Powerman Alsdorf in August 2021, we would like to introduce our athletes and get to know them:
Please, introduce yourself and highlight some important moments/successes of your athletic career!
I'm Melanie Maurer, a 32-year-old Swiss cyclist and pro triathlete. For years I was internationally successful in duathlon and I am part of the swiss cycling national team. As a Sports Therapist I work with people who have back and neck pain. Also I am a coach for endurance athletes such as triathletes, duathletes runners or cyclists. When I'm not practicing or working I love spending my time with my cats and eating chocolate.
How did you become a duathlete?
I grew up next to Zofingen, the „capital city“ of Duathlon. I first tried to run, then bought a bike which was way to large and then was on the starting line of the „Powerteens“ when I was 14. After that I was playing Handball for years and later when my knee was injured started again to run and bike and was thinking about to start at the longdistance in Zofingen
From your personal perspective, what is special about the run-bike-run format of Powerman World Series?
I think a duathlon is way harder than a triathlon, since you have to be really smart and the goal for the first run has to be as fast as possible without wasting too much energy and destroy your legs before the race even started. The second run is the most important part where you can win or loose everything.
How often did you compete at Powerman Alsdorf and what is you personal highlight race?
I never had the chance to participate in Alsdorf so far. Therefore, I am really looking forward to toe the line, soon.
I started in Viborg and this course is pretty cool!!
How does a typical training week looks like in your preparation for a Powerman race (apr. 2 month prior to the race)?
Normally I run between 50-60k a week. I do 1-2 intervall sessions in running and also 1-2 for the bike. The rest are base runs/rides with some technical inputs sometimes. Strength training and core stability also plays an important role in my training.
Despite the current situation of uncertainties - have you already a race schedule of 2021 in mind?
For me there is no point to already plan events which are not able to schedule yet.
Last but not least: What are your best advices for athletes who want to participate in a Powerman race?
Have fun in training and racing, give it all but don‘t forget to rest and relax also sometimes.
Thanks for sharing your experiences and insights with us! We wish you the best for your individual and athletic goals.
We are excited to see you racing in Alsdorf on August 15th, 2021.
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