Interview with 2016 World Champion, Seppe Odeyn

Hello Seppe!
in preview to Powerman Alsdorf in August 2021, we would like to introduce our athletes and get to know them:
Please, introduce yourself and highlight some important moments/successes as athlete (name, age, important victories, job, interests etc.)
I am Seppe Odeyn, 33 years old and from Herent (Belgium). I am the proud father of 2 kids; Laurien and Vik. I work for Orbea as a sales rep. Regarding my biggest athletic successes, I am the 2016 Powerman World champion of Zofingen. I also took the win at several Powerman events: Hosingen (Luxemburg), Sankt Wendel (Germany), Zofingen (Swiss), Mallorca (Spain), Loutraki (Greece), Mafra (Portugal).
How did you become a duathlete?
Long story short: I start running a lot during the winter when I was a cyclist and tried a winterduathlon and finished 3rd. That's how I got hooked to the sport.
From your personal perspective, what is special about the run-bike-run format of Powerman World Series?
10-60-10 is a cruel distance where you always ride and run just at your limit, far away from the comfort zone. You have to pace this kind of races wel but also keep a good eye on your competitors because it can also be very tactical.
How often did you compete at Powerman Alsdorf and what is you personal highlight of this particular race?
Only once: I had to quit the race due to a hamstring injurie after 7k of running, so I definetly have to make up for it on my next race!
Have you participated in any other Powerman World Series races? If so, what is your „don’t-miss-race“?
As I mendtioned above, I raced several Powerman events. My favourite is Zofingen: It is a longer race than the standard format and the course is very challenging.
How does a typical training week looks like in your preparation for a Powerman race (apr. 2 month proir to the race)?
I try to train twice a day. And do the longer rides in the weekend. During the week, I focus on swimming, running speed and some power blocks on the bike.
Despite the current uncertainties of racing in 2021, do you have a competiton schedule in mind?
No, not really yet. It is just difficult to plan due to the current pandemic. I would love to do Powerman Portugal, Alsdorf and Zofingen.
Last but not least: What are your best advices for athletes who want to participate in a Powerman race?
Try to follow the leader as long as you can!
Thanks for sharing your experiences and insights with us! We wish you the best for your individual and athletic goals.
We are excited to see you racing in Alsdorf on August 15th, 2021.
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