31. Oswald-Hirschfeld-Lauf 2020

06. September 2020
Hint: You are visiting an event that from the past. Do you want to get information on the current event? Click here!
TFG 1878 Köln- Nippes u. a.
Race director and contact information
Jürgen Cremer
Phone: 0160/7723559
Email: OH-Lauf@web.de
Parkgürtel 24, 50739 Köln, Deutschland
Schülerlauf U8-U16
Icon Run Run 1,00 km
Course map
Icon Run Run 0,50 km
Course map
5km-Volkslauf (+ Walking/Nordic Walking)
Icon Run Run 5,00 km
Jugendliche 5 Euro Startgebühr
Course map
10km Hauptlauf
Icon Run Run 10,00 km
Jugendliche 6 Euro Startgebühr
Course map

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Deine Hinweise zu den Wettkämpfen schicke bitte gern an: event@larasch.de.

Are you looking for a place to stay? We are happy to help you out and show you accommodations close by the venue.